Manufacture process

Process features

The fibre cement board manufacture uses the processes of:
* pressing (under 650 N/cm2)
* autoclaving (at 175 °C and 10 atm)

To extend the output product range, a set of lines was commissioned for fibre cement board processing: cutting, grinding, painting. The manufacture of variously shaped and custom-painted fibre cement boards became possible.

LATONIT fibre cement boards are manufactured on modern equipment produced in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. The design capacity of the fibrer cement board manufacturing line is 6.5 million square meters per year. The process is fully automated. The full process automation allows manufacturing high-quality products.


Pressing of fibre cement boards is a complex process during which interrelated physical and chemical changes in moisture-saturated material occur. This process helps to increase density and freeze thaw resistance, decrease variation in thickness, and reduce porosity.


Autoclaving is the process of hydrothermal treatment of fibre cement boards with saturated steam at increased temperature and pressure. Autoclaving process promotes the formation of fibre cement’s homogeneous structure. Autoclaved boards do not show lime efflorescence, they are highly resistant to shock effect.

The cement contained in fibre cement boards undergoes the entire hydration process, which subsequently prevents non-uniform volume change, i. e. warpage, and also improves adhesion of paints and varnishes to the board surface.


The fibre cement boards are painted by roller method and airless spraying method in strict accordance with the board preparation and painting technology. The painting process improves fibre cement board characteristics and properties. All the output products are manufactured in strict accordance with the process, under constant technical control.