Фиброцементные плиты LATONIT под мрамор
Фиброцементные плиты LATONIT под кирпич
Фиброцементные плиты LATONIT - выполним под заказ любой рисунок
Фиброцементные плиты LATONIT под штукатурку
Фиброцементные плиты LATONIT под дерево
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years in the global construction materials market
we are one of the three leaders in Russia in the production of fiber cement products
years of service of LATONIT facade material
1 000 000 м2
LATONIT fiber cement products were released in 2020
types of LATONIT fiber cement products for your facade decoration
The LATONIT trademark is one of the leaders in the world market of fiber cement products.

This is a brand from JSC "LATO", based on innovative construction technologies, each product of which combines safety, durability, elegance and high quality.